Showing posts with label Don Miguel Ruiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don Miguel Ruiz. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Dream of the Planet Part 2

The Dream of the Planet [Part 2]
There is another part of us that receives the judgments, and this part is called the Victim. The
Victim carries the blame, the guilt, and the shame.

Our childhood beliefs are based on a belief system that we never chose to believe. These beliefs
are so strong, that even years later when we are exposed to new concepts and try to make our
own decisions, we find that these beliefs still control our lives.

Breaking the rules in the Book of Law opens your emotional wounds. Even if the Book of Law is
wrong, it makes you feel safe. Our belief system is the Book of Laws that rules our personal
dream. All these laws exist in our mind, we believe them, and the Judge inside us bases
everything on these rules.

True justice is paying only once for each mistake. True injustice is paying more than once for
each mistake. The human is the only animal on earth that pays a thousand times for the same
mistake. Every tie we remember a mistake, we judge ourselves again, we are guilty gain, and
we punish ourselves again, and again, and again.

How many times do we make our spouse, our children, or our parents pay for the same

The Judge in the mind is wrong because the belief system, the Book o Law, is wrong. Ninety-five
percent of the beliefs we have stored in our minds are nothing but lies, and we suffer because
believe all these lies.

Every human has his or her personal dream, and just like the society dream, it is often ruled by
fear. The same fears manifest in different ways for each person but we experience anger,
jealousy, hate, envy, and other negative emotions.

All of humanity is searching for truth, justice, and beauty. We don’t see the truth because we
are blind. What blinds us are all those false beliefs we have in our mind. We have the need to
be right and to make others wrong. Our beliefs set us up for suffering.

To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have; the biggest
fear is taking the risk to be alive – the risk to be alive and express what we really are. We have
learned to live our life trying to satisfy other people’s demands. We have learned to live by
other people’s points of view because of the fear f not being accepted and of not being good
enough for someone else.

During the process of domestication we create an image of how we should be in order to be
accepted by everybody. We create this image, but this image is not real. We are never going to
be perfect from this point of view.

Not being perfect, we reject ourselves. We are not good enough for ourselves because we don’t
fit with our own image of perfection. We feel false, frustrated, and dishonest. The result is that
we feel unauthentic and wear social masks to keep others from noticing this. We are so afraid
that somebody else will notice that we are not what we pretend o be. We judge others
according tour image of perfection as well, and they naturally fall short of our expectations.
Humans punish themselves endlessly for not being what they believe they should be. Nobody
ever abusesus more than we abuse ourselves, and it is the Judge, the Victim, and the belief
systems that make us do this.

We have the need o be accepted and loved by others, but we cannot accept and love ourselves. 
The more self-love we have, the less we will experience selfabuse. Selfabuse comes from self-rejection, and self-rejection comes from having an image of what it means to be perfect and 
never measuring up to that ideal.

There are thousands of agreements you have made with yourself, with other people, with your 
dream of life, with God, with society, with your parents, with your spouse, with your children. 
But the most important agreements are the ones you made with yourself. In these agreements 
you tell yourself who you are, what you feel, what you believe, and how to behave. 

If you want to life a life of joy and fulfillment, you have to find the courage to break those 
agreements that are fear-based and claim your personal power. Our personal power is 
dissipated by all the agreements we have created, and the result is that we feel powerless. 

If we can see it is our agreements, which rule our life, and we don’t like the dream of our life, w 
need to change the agreements. When we are finally ready to change our agreements, there 
are four very powerful agreements that will help us break those agreements that come from 
fear and deplete our energy. 

If you adopt these four new agreements, they will create enough personal power or you to 
change the entire system of your old agreements. 

If you can begin to live your life with these agreements, the transformation in your life will be 

Domestication and Dream of the Planet

level your life
The Dream of the Planet

Dreaming is the main function of the mind, and the mind dreams twenty-four hours a day.

Before we were born the humans before us created a big outside dream that we will call
society’s dream or the dream of the planet.

The dream of the planet is the collective dream of billions of smaller, personal dreams. This
includes all of society’s rules, its beliefs, its religions, its different cultures and way to be, its
governments, schools, social events, and holidays.

The outside dream has so many rules that when a new human is born, we hook the child’s
attention and introduce these rules to his or her mind
Attention is the ability we have to discriminate and to focus only on that which we want to
perceive. The adults around us hooked our attention and put information into our minds
through repetition. That is the way we leaned everything we know.

We learned how to behave in society: what to believe and what not to believe; what is
acceptable and what is not acceptable; what is good and what is bad; what is beautiful and
what is ugly; what is right and what is wrong.

Our parents, teachers, and siblings were all trying to hook your attention. We also learn to hook
the attention of other humans, and we develop a need for attention, which can become
competitive. The need for attention becomes very strong and continues into adulthood.

The outside dream hooks our attention and teaches us what to believe, beginning with the
language we speak. Language is the code for understanding and communication between
humans. Every letter, every word in each language is an agreement. Once we understand the
code, our attention is hooked and the energy is transferred from one person to another.

As children, we didn’t have the opportunity to choose our beliefs, but we agreed with the
information that was passed to us from the dream of the planet through other humans. The
only way to store information is by agreement. As soon as we agree, we believe it, and this is
called faith. To have faith is to believe unconditionally.

That’s how we learn as children. Children believe everything adults say. The result is surrender
to the beliefs with our agreement.

This process is the domestication of humans. And through this
domestication we learn to live and how to dream. And we also learn to judge: We judge
ourselves, judge other people, and judge the neighbors.

We train our children whom we love so much the same way we train any domesticated animal:
with a system of punishment and reward. When we went against the rules we were punished;
when we went along with the rules we got a reward. Soon we became afraid of being punished
and also afraid of not receiving the reward. The reward is the attention that we got from
others. We soon develop a need to hook other people’s attention in order to get the reward.

With that fear of being punished and that fear of not getting the reward, we start pretending to
be what we are not, just to please others, just to be good enough for someone else. We are
afraid of being rejected. The fear of being rejected becomes the fear of not being good enough.
Eventually we become someone that we are not.

All our normal tendencies are lost in the process of domestication.

The domestication is so strong that at a certain point in our life we no longer need anyone to
domesticate us. We are so well trained that we are our own domesticator. We can now
domesticate ourselves according to the same belief system we were given, and using the same
punishment and reward. The belief system is like a Book of Law that rules our mind. We base all
of our judgments according to the book of Law.

The inner Judge uses what is in our Book of Law to judge everything we do and don’t do,
everything we think and don’t think, and everything we feel and don’t feel. Everything lives
under the tyranny of this judge.

[Go on to Part 2]

[The Four Agreements ]