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Affirmations are very important tools for awakening your full potential.
They are strong, positive statements about something that is already true or has the realistic potential for becoming true. If you´re having a hard day, for instance, tell yourself, "I am calm and happy in the moment."
Just by being open to this thought and saying it to yourself, you will allow yourself to become nearer to this positive state of mind and even to become calm and happy. To replace the random , endless, negative , or positive chatter that filters into your mind each moment of the day, affirmations are conscious, preplanned, positive thoughts to direct your actions and behaviour in a productive way. Unless you direct your own thoughts, you leave much to chance. With affirmations, you can change patterns of negative thought that, like tape recordings in your heard, continue to play old, counterproductive tunes. Affirmations help you develop your full potential with new, positive phrases. Words truly can transform the quality of your existence.

People often have difficulty with affirmations because they feel as though they are deceiving themselves when they make statements about something that may be true in the future but is not true now.
What we all need to remember is that affirmations are not self-deception, they are self-direction.
They point your feet in the direction you wish to travel and enable you to be more willing to do all you have to do to reach your goal. Even if you affirm greatness but fall short of your potential or your best showing, you will still have gone further than you would have if you had´nt set your sights high.

a)Applications for Affirmations

In his book Human Options, Norman Cousins emphasizes the importance of language - our words - for performance. "The principal language of this age," he states, "must be concerned with awakening of vast multitudes to the possibilities rather than limitations of life.

We suggest that you write your affirmations on thee-by-five inch index cards and strategically place them in areas that you visit frequently during the day; the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator door, the dashboard of your car, next to the telephone. Recite the affirmations when you notice the cards. After some practice, you will have memorized them and be able to recall them when you need them. Keep the cards visible as reminders to yourself to think about your direction in sports,business or life.

Affirmations are most effective if, as you recite each one, you take thirty seconds to visualize what the affirmation is saysing. If you affirm, for example, "I am a national champion," see yourself winning an important event. Feel what it would be like to be such a star.

In Life- as in all activities - affirmations are quite useful in turning fear into confidence, increasing your concentration, preventing you from pushing yourself too hard or becoming more frustrated, reducing self- criticism, sharpening your skills, helping you cope with fatige, treating injuries and carrying out any other performance tasks that you may need to adress.
You can help yourself create a more positive self-image through the use of affirmations. Perhaps you want to create real changes in your physical apperance. Seeing yourself as you desire yourself to be will facilitate your movement toward that dream.

During times when you are particularly self-critical, if you consciously choose loving, caring phrares, you can help yourself change the negativity you feel. Tell yourself "I am talented, intelligent, and creative" or "I deserve the best," or "I am abundant and have a lot to offer."
Use Affirmations to become more self-accepting, to feel good, to develop relationships, to become more creative - or even to relieve boredom..

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To create instant, positive state of mind for a performance, whether you need to be relaxed, calm, focused,centered,patient or any other state, you can use what is called an "anchor" as a reference point or cue. Like pavlov`s dog , who would salivate at the sound of a bell, you can relax, focus or be whatever you choose if you associate that feeling with a word such as relax or calm or focus while you are visualizing a favorite image.
When you are in a relaxed state in your inner sanctum, repeat the anchor word over and over, telling yourself that when you call it during a real performance, you will become what the word signifies. As you say your anchor word during a visualizatio, feel peaceful and calm throughout your entire being. You now have a reference point for relaxing immediately.
Another way of anchoring uses a physical stimulation instead of a word. For examle, press your thumb against your index finger to form a circle, or make a fist. While you are visualizing and and relaxing, hold your fingers or fist in this way, and tell yourself that when you do this, you will be centered, assertive,positive,detached,passionate, or any other quality that you need to rely on for strength. Be sure to feel centeredness ,assertiveness or passion in your relaxed visual state as you make that particular physical anchor. And whenever you need it , you can form the anchor and produce and instant positive mindset to help you perform - this is also basic NLP (neuro linguistic programming)

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Learning to visualize is essential if you are to practice LYL.
Visualization is an active form of meditation in which you relax and choose to view images in your mind´s eye that will influence your emotions and energy. Visualization is a natural process. It lets you tap into your inner sources of peace and calm so that you can respond positively to events in your life. What you see in your mind´s eye can strongly influence your beliefs and achievements. Our central nervous system does not distinguish between real and imagined events. It sees and accepts all images as if they were real.

For example , close your eyes right now and imagine a juicy, sour lemon. In your mind, cut a big wedge from the lemon and place it in your mouth. Bite down, and let the sour juices permeate your entire mouth. Did you find yourself puckering or salivating ?

In sports and life,the action in a game, the losses and the victories, is the result of the visions and images that the LYL-players carry with them. If you have an image of yourself blowing a lead,fumbling a ball or missing a shot, you will create tension and anxiety that, in turn, will contribute negatively to your performance.On the other hand, if you carry around images of success, you create an inner state of calm, confidence, and relaxation that contributes positively to actual success.

Visualization is not magical or psychological hocus-pocus - it is a learned skill.
When you practice it regularly, it will enable you to perform up to or beyond what you perceived as your potential. It works because it acts like a dress rehearsal. It is a form of practice that makes you familiar with the script for the task ahead of you. When the time comes for the actual performance, you have a sense that you have already experiences this moment or action and everything seems easier, familiar.
In addition, visualization clears the mind of interfering,negative images that block your effors to perform well by replacing them with images of success. You may be the best at what you do, but negative images create anxiety and tension to hinder you. Positive images relax the mind and body and allow you to perform well.

b)When to use visualization.

Your imagination can be trained like a muscle. If you wanted to build up your body, you wouldn´t go to the gym only once a week and expect results. So, too, you need to work out mentally and consistently. Current research suggests that extraordinary athletes and other achievers practice their physical and mental skills regularly and consistently.
Begin to form a habit of using visualization daily. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes a day , either when you rise in the morning or at the end of the day before bed. It`s best to visualize before eating or two to three hours after a meal. Personally, I find the morning hours quiet and peaceful. When you begin your day with a visualization and mental rehearsal of that day, the events unfold according to your outlook.
A question that is often asked is, "Isn´t it dangerous to get my hopes up by visualizing the positive and risk being disappointed ?" Maybe I should prepare for the worst and if everything turns out okay, great." It`s true that preparing for negative possibilities will prevent disappointed, but such thinking also contributes to negative outcomes that weren´t necessarily inevitable.Disappointment will not kill you; why not increase the likelihood of posivie results through visualization ?

Cherish your vision and your dreams - as they are the children of your soul - the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. ~ Napoleon Hill

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->Astral Travel<-

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Tulpa (Tibetan: སྤྲུལ་པ, Wylie: sprul-pa; Sanskrit: निर्मित nirmita and निर्माण nirmāṇa; Japanese: タルパ tarupa; "to build" or "to construct") also translated as "magical emanation", "conjured thing"  and "phantom"  is a concept in mysticism of a being or object which is created through sheer spiritual or mental discipline alone. It is defined in Indian Buddhist texts as any unreal, illusory or mind created apparition. According to Alexandra David-Néel, tulpas are "magic formations generated by a powerful concentration of thought." It is a materialized thought that has taken physical form and is usually regarded as synonymous to a thoughtform.

How to become a Tulpamancer

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